In 1975, at the age of 40, he was appointed Chief of the San Diego Police Department, and served with distinction in that office for 13 years. He is widely recognized as the author of community oriented policing and forged strong relations with leaders in San Diego’s minority communities.

Bill set the standard for true partnership amongst agencies. When the Chiefs and Sheriff meet on a regular basis, egos are left at the door – a legacy from Bill Kolender.

After his retirement from the San Diego Police Department, he was appointed by Governor Pete Wilson to serve as Director of the California Youth Authority, where he championed rehabilitation programs for the state’s youngest serious offenders. Bill was one of the first to realize incarceration is not the complete answer to rehabilitation. Educational programs, and re-entry initiatives were another of his innovations.

When Bill was sworn into the office of Sheriff in 1995, he took control of a department that had been through a hard-fought election. Working alongside Undersheriff Jack Drown, Sheriff Kolender took on the challenge of bringing together the department and turning it into a professional team with a common purpose and shared mission. Under his leadership, public confidence in this department was enhanced. He was re-elected as Sheriff in 1998, 2002, and 2006.

Recognized wherever he went in San Diego, Sheriff Kolender seemed, in many respects, larger than life. Yet, what we will remember most about him will be his personal touch. When a deputy was injured, he could be counted on to be standing at the hospital bed. During his days as Chief, and then Sheriff, he was called upon to deliver news a family never wants to hear – that their loved one was killed in the line of duty. He often reflected it was the hardest thing he ever did.

Mary Walsh, Sheriff Kolender’s executive assistant, was instrumental in creating the first Sheriff’s Museum – the “William B. Kolender Sheriff’s Museum”.

“The story of the Sheriff’s Museum in Old Town is full of all kinds of miracles,” according to Mary Walsh. “It belongs to every man and woman who has ever been (or will be) affiliated with the Sheriff’s Department either as a sworn member of the organization or as a volunteer … It is a safe and fun place to learn about law enforcement and it is a great educational tool to teach children not to be afraid of cops, while at the same time, provide them with crime prevention tips and invaluable information to keep them safe.”