This is your chance to tell your friends (and the world) your story (or stories!). Tell us something that happened to you – before, during, or after your career with law enforcement. Stories can be humorous, serious, and even life-changing.
  • Why did you decide to join the Sheriff’s Office?
  • What memorable experience(s) did you have?
  • Who were some of the memorable characters you met during your career?
  • What were your best assignments and why?

Provide a brief description of your story.
Enter your story here or upload a document or file below.
Upload your story as a single document.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
Upload photos that support your story.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, Max. file size: 300 MB.

    Submittals are subject to SDSM review and will be posted at the sole discretion of SDSM. There is no guarantee that a story submission will ultimately be posted.